Awaken Your E-Learning Force

After taking a looking at one Articulate’s E-Learning challenges, I figured I would play around with a hypothetical Imperial Training Department course developed for contractors working on the second Death Star.

Before working on this challenge, I immediately started thinking about this scene from Clerks and all of the contractors on the Death Star.

Then, I started to think to myself, “How would the Galactic Empire’s training department put together training for these contractors and what information would be put into the training.” And object at the bottom of this post is what I put together. I hope you enjoy it.

#ELHChallenge Course

Anyways, here is the mini-course I put together for the Empire. I was contracted by them to create this for the late contractors that worked on the Death Star.

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About @hoosier_teacher

Instructional Designer, I help make sense of workplace, work, and worker interactions in order to create comprehendible and practical training programs.